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CoWERC Binational Exchange and Internship Programs

Call for Application 2022

Call for Application 2022

CoWERC offers exchange programs for binational research and industrial internships. Center-wide exchange programs are currently on hold because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but individual requests for exchanges can be supported in cases where the exchange is allowable under current pandemic operations for the traveler’s home institution and host institution.

Further information for the application as follow: CoWERC exchange program call for applications 2022

Proposals are due by August 1, 2022.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who can apply and what institutions are involved?

CoWERC’s student exchange program enables graduate and undergraduate students from any Consortium university to conduct research and/or receive training at any international Consortium Member (binational exchange) or any non-university Consortium Member in their home country (internship).  

2. What is the duration of the exchange program?

CoWERC’s exchange programs support medium-term exchanges, typically for periods of 2 weeks through 3 months.  Some support may also be available for longer-term exchanges.

3. How do I apply?

First, verify current pandemic travel restrictions at your home institution and proposed host institution, as well as current travel restrictions between Israel and the U.S. for proposed international exchanges.  Second, submit a request to CoWERC with the following information:

1) Brief description of proposed exchange, including your name and home institution, the name and institution of your proposed host, and a statement of what you propose to accomplish during your exchange or internship.

2) A proposed schedule and budget.  Send your application to the CoWERC program manager in your country.  Israel: Diana Ferrando, US: Sanaiya Khatwani,

Please find the CoWERC exchange program proposal template in the following link: CoWERC exchange program proposal template 2022

4. What other exchange and internship opportunities are available?

The Binational Science Foundation program supports exchanges by U.S. or Israeli Ph.D. students via its Prof. Rahamimoff Travel Grants for Young Scientists:

The Zuckerman Scholars Program supports postdoctoral scholars in Israel and the US.  Israeli scholars apply to work at US institutions, and US scholars apply to work at Israeli institutions.  All CoWERC research institutions are eligible host institutions for the Zuckerman Scholars Program:

The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago offers internships for students:

Undergraduate students can apply for internships at Argonne Ntaional Laboratory via the U.S. Department of Energy’s Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship program (SULI):